Basic Usage
The basic usage consists in two parts: 1. Downloading data dumps (osm.pbf files) containing all map data of an area * Countries * Regions * Planet 2. Extracting specific data into tabular format (geopandas dataframes) from these data dumps * With pre-written wrappers for some infrastructure classes * Using any tag syntax from OSM
# Loading necessary data packages
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
sys.path.append('') #'your-path-to/osm-flex/src'
import osm_flex
import as dl
import osm_flex.extract as ex
import osm_flex.config
import osm_flex.clip as cp
Step 1: Downloading data dumps
Per default, an osm/osm_bpf
folder is created in your home directory, and all data dumps are downloaded to this path. This can be changed in the osm_flex.config
module by modifying the variable OSM_DATA_DIR
# Download the Switzerland country file from
# downloads requested file only if necessary, and returns save path
iso3 = 'CHE'
path_che_dump = dl.get_country_geofabrik(iso3)
print(f'Saved as {path_che_dump}') existing file: /Users/evelynm/osm/osm_bpf/switzerland-latest.osm.pbf
Saved as /Users/evelynm/osm/osm_bpf/switzerland-latest.osm.pbf
Download Central America regional file from geofabrik to~/osm/osm_bpf/central-america-latest.osm.pbf
region = 'central-america'
path_ca_dump = dl.get_region_geofabrik(region)
print(f'Saved as {path_ca_dump}') existing file: /Users/evelynm/osm/osm_bpf/central-america-latest.osm.pbf
Saved as /Users/evelynm/osm/osm_bpf/central-america-latest.osm.pbf
Step 2: Extracting geospatial data
Option 1:
Using pre-written wrappers for certain critical infrastructure types (check which ones are available), with the method extract_cis
They can be further configured in the DICT_CIS_OSM
dictionary located in the config file
# available wrapper categories:
dict_keys(['education', 'healthcare', 'water', 'telecom', 'road', 'main_road', 'rail', 'air', 'gas', 'oil', 'power', 'wastewater', 'food', 'buildings'])
# check the signature of the extraction function
? ex.extract_cis
gdf_che_mainroad = ex.extract_cis(path_che_dump, 'main_road')
extract points: 0it [00:07, ?it/s]
extract multipolygons: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:42<00:00, 21.47s/it]
extract lines: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 117861/117861 [00:16<00:00, 7217.83it/s]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
gdf_che_mainroad.plot(ax=ax, linewidth=0.5)
fig.suptitle('Main roads in Switzerland')
Option 2:
Using key (and value) tags from OSM (check []) with the method extract
# Example using keys and value constraints
gdf_ca_forest = ex.extract(path_ca_dump,'multipolygons',
['landuse', 'name'],
Warning 1: Non closed ring detected. To avoid accepting it, set the OGR_GEOMETRY_ACCEPT_UNCLOSED_RING configuration option to NO
extract multipolygons: 6%|█████▊ | 446/7578 [00:58<10:53, 10.91it/s]Warning 1: Non closed ring detected. To avoid accepting it, set the OGR_GEOMETRY_ACCEPT_UNCLOSED_RING configuration option to NO
extract multipolygons: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 7578/7578 [01:39<00:00, 76.31it/s]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.suptitle('Forests in Central America')
# Example using only a key (i.e., parse all items which have a non-null entry for the first key)
gdf_che_bldgs = ex.extract(path_che_dump,'multipolygons',
['building', 'name'])
extract multipolygons: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2608882/2608882 [02:02<00:00, 21261.05it/s]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.suptitle('All buildings in Switzerland')
Optional Step: Clipping data
For custom data dumps, the planet, regional or country files can be clipped (=cut) to a user-defined geographical extent and saved as new osm.pbf file using the clip
module. Instructions can be found in tutorial 1_clipping_shapes.
Optional Step: Simplifying data
Parsing data can result in duplicates or near-dupicates, or yield too many results. A few simple methods are provided in the simplify
module to handle this. Instructions can be found in tutorial 2_simplifications.
[ ]: